Saturday, 29 November 2008


受到整個全球氣候的變化,今年的冬天似乎來得特別晚,也不大像往年的溫度一樣低. 這時的美國,日本,不知道是否已經開始降雪了沒?少了白花花的雪,聖誕節好像就少了點什麼的, 雖然以台灣氣候來說是不可能的,但如果哪天地球的天氣產生劇變,原本炎熱的沙漠突然開始飄風聚雨, 寒冷的北極冰河瞬間成了陽光曝曬的地獄,那麼那時候,咱們的台灣到了聖誕節是否就可以見到下雪了呢? 今年的冬天特別地寒冷,希望大家能夠抓緊荷包,一起度過.
**MERRY X'MAS 2008**

Tuesday, 25 November 2008

2008.11.25 Nudity Artwork 2

Tool: Photoshop

Friday, 21 November 2008

2008.11.21 Nudity Artworks

Date: 2008.11.21
Tools: Photoshop

It actully pretty interesting doing a quick sketch on Photoshop, coz in traditional way, when u began to add another color, you will have to wait for the overlay to dry, and that wont be neccesary in today's CG world.
I guess being patience is really a vital for old time artists.

Thursday, 13 November 2008

2008.11.13 i Say....

Date: 2008.11.13
Tool: Photoshop

Sunday, 9 November 2008

Dictatorship 獨裁

Date : 2008.11.09
Tools: Photoshop

2008.11.09 Mixed Sketches

Most of my inspirations pops out while I was either catching a train; bus orMRT where I consider as the appropriate moments to observe people. I always have a strong favor in note sketches. To most accomplished fine works, sketches represents the very early idea of every pieces; the real phase of the artist himself.